Common Problems When Converting CDR Files.

If you need to convert your Coreldraw (CDR) files to other formats like png, jpg and pdf as per your requirement then you know that not every photo is converted as easily as we think. Sometimes the photo after conversion is not as we want it. Let us try to understand the common problems faced while “converting CDR files to other formats”.

Common problems when converting CDR files.

1. Quality reduction after conversion.

Problem: Our CDR file has a perfect look and when we view the photo after conversion it turns out blurry or pixelated when we convert it to JPG or PNG which can not handle vector graphics.

What you can do depending on the quality issues.

  • Whenever choosing to print, always choose high resolution (300 dpi).
  • (72 dpi) is best if chosen for web use.
  • If you want to keep the size even then choose or convert the image to a format like SVG or PDF so that the size of the image remains even.

2. Fonts disappear or look weird.

Problem: Different font patterns or specific font types in the CDR file may cause problems after conversion to a different format. This type of problem occurs when you have not installed the font on your system or the font is not embedded in the (CDR).

If your image lock gets corrupted, what to do?

  • Before converting any file, convert text to path in “Coreldraw” because it converts text to shape, after this you will not face any problem with font.
  • If you are converting a font into pdf format then do not forget to embed the font in it.

3. Flattening Your Vector Art

Problem: If you convert any complex vector art to another format (like jpg) then the image becomes flat due to the layers getting merged and this can ruin your design.

what can you do.

  • In such a case, use vector format (svg or eps) for your artwork so that the vector remains in its shape.
  • In case of similar problem, check the converter settings once again so that the vector remains safe and the shape does not become flat.

4. Too large (or too small) file size

Problem : An image that is too large to be shared after conversion, or too small to be shared and loses quality.

what can you do.

  • Adjust resolution and compression settings between image size and file quality for formats like png or jpg.
  • Before converting any file to vector format please control the file size by removing other element then convert it to other format.

5. Odd or missing elements

Problem: After converting the CDR file to another format, it does not convert well into another format and some of the files disappear and some of the files change color.

what can you do.

  • May not have removed elements around a complex image or rasterized all layers before converting the file.
  • To perform the conversion, choose a converter that is compatible with the type of conversion you are looking for and that supports all the specific elements.

Try to understand the common problems that arise while converting CDR files to other formats. Converting cdr files to other format is not a big problem if you can handle the common issues.

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